Media: Interviews, Reviews, Articles

August 08, 2019, Washington Examiner
Speaking Poetry with a Pathbreaking Poet Laureate

Amer­i­ca may be get­ting more polar­ized, but a good way to talk about polit­i­cal issues, she says, is not through polit­i­cal lan­guage, which relies on clichés and pro­hibits peo­ple from under­stand­ing each other.”

August 08, 2019, Library of Congress
Laureate at the Library: Joy Harjo Visits the Main Reading Room

This is the first in a series of five posts doc­u­ment­ing Poet Lau­re­ate Joy Harjo’s sum­mer­time meet­ings with librar­i­ans and cura­tors across the Library of Congress.

August 06, 2019, NPR
In 'An American Sunrise,' Joy Harjo Speaks With A Timeless Compassion

Her poems are acces­si­ble and easy to read, but mak­ing them no less pen­e­trat­ing and pow­er­ful, spo­ken from a deep and time­less source of com­pas­sion for all — but also from a very spe­cif­ic and jus­ti­fied well of anger.”

August 05, 2019, ELLE
Joy Harjo Shares a Poem From Her New Collection

Joy shares Advice for Coun­tries, Advanced, Devel­op­ing and Falling” with an introduction.

August 02, 2019, The Jitney
Joy Interviewed on The Jitney

Joy Har­jo is a world trea­sure, rare and for­mi­da­ble amongst poets writ­ing today, with a voice equal parts wise woman, jazz, rain, and earth. Her col­lect­ed poems bring togeth­er the full range of her work, an impres­sive spec­trum of word…

August 01, 2019, World Literature Today
In Mad Love and War nominated in The WLT Readers’ Poll

Ear­li­er this sum­mer, the edi­tors of WLT invit­ed more than two dozen writ­ers to nom­i­nate one book, pub­lished since 1969, that most influ­enced their extralit­er­ary com­mit­ments, along with a brief state­ment explain­ing their choice.

As the book’s title asserts, In Mad…

July 25, 2019, BBC
An American Sunrise included in Ten books to read this August

Har­jo, new­ly named US Poet Lau­re­ate, begins her radi­ant new col­lec­tion with poems about the 1830 Trail of Tears. Led by Mon­ah­wee, her grand­fa­ther of six gen­er­a­tions back, her Musco­gee Creek Nation fore­bears were dri­ven away like live­stock at gunpoint”…

May 26, 2019, Shenandoah
Joy Harjo Interview in Shenandoah

Joy Har­jo inter­viewed at Wash­ing­ton and Lee University.

March 14, 2019, VIDA Voices & Views
Joy Harjo VIDA Voices & Views Interview

In this episode of VIDA Voic­es and Views, pro­duced by R. J. Jef­freys, Melis­sa Stud­dard speaks with cel­e­brat­ed poet, author, musi­cian, and play­wright, Joy Har­jo, who talks about top­ics rang­ing from sources of inspi­ra­tion to the pow­er of lan­guage to…

February 10, 2019, EarthTalk
Joy Harjo Interviewed on Earth Talk — Podcast

Native Voice Joy Har­jo Draws On Trib­al Myth & His­to­ry In Cel­e­brat­ing Nature