Media: Interviews, Reviews, Articles

July 14, 2024, Tulsa World
Survival Instincts, by Rainy Dawn Ortiz is Oklahoma Bestseller for July 14

Rainy Dawn Ortiz’s col­lec­tion, SUR­VIVAL INSTINCTS, is no. 1 in Okla­homa Best­sellers for the week of July 14

July 14, 2024, Brown University
Brown University’s John Hay Library acquires former U.S. Poet Laureate Joy Harjo’s papers

Harjo’s writ­ing drafts, cor­re­spon­dence, scripts and teach­ing mate­ri­als will sig­nif­i­cant­ly enhance the University’s schol­ar­ly resources from Native and Indige­nous writ­ers and per­form­ers. Read more

May 28, 2024, University of St. Andrews News
Armando Iannucci in the thick of it for St Andrews graduations

Har­jo, the first Native Amer­i­can Indi­an to be appoint­ed a Unit­ed States Poet Lau­re­ate, will join more than 2500 stu­dents from across the globe cel­e­brat­ing being award­ed their degrees at the Uni­ver­si­ty of St Andrews at the begin­ning of next month.

May 28, 2024
Six receive honorary degrees

Har­jo among the six receiv­ing an hon­orary degree from Har­vard University 

May 28, 2024, The Brown Daily Herald
May 04, 2024
Brown to confer honorary degrees on nine distinguished leaders at Commencement 2024

Brown Uni­ver­si­ty will con­fer hon­orary doc­tor­ates on nine can­di­dates who have achieved great dis­tinc­tion in a vari­ety of fields. Joy Har­jo is among these nine candidates. 

April 20, 2024, The Hopkins Review
March 29, 2024, NPR
March 05, 2024, Indian Country Today
On Behalf of the Ancestors

We humans are sto­ry mak­ers. We become part of a matrix of sto­ries when we accept breath. We are con­nect­ed to the sto­ries of every crea­ture, plant, and oth­er beings. We are each giv­en the task to bring under­stand­ing and…

March 04, 2024, The Heights - For a Greater Boston College
Spirituality, Humanity, and Purpose: Joy Harjo Shares Her Life Through Poetry

Poet­ry tran­scends indi­vid­ual iden­ti­ty and serves as a ves­sel for greater mean­ing, accord­ing to Joy Harjo.